Early Career Time Management Potluck

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

As we gear up for Spring semester, let's make good on that New Year's Resolution with a great time management plan. During this "virtual potluck," each participant will share one idea for how they manage their time, or they'll bring a specific time management question to the group for brainstorming. Although the exact content of the session is impossible to predict (because it depends on the participants), past early-career discussions of this sort have focused on finding and structuring time for writing, managing grading, work-life balance, and more. By the end, we'll all leave with a "full plate" of ideas to start the semester strong.

To make sure everyone has a chance to participate in this highly interactive session, it is limited to only 10 participants. However, if the first section fills, we will add additional sections. The link to the Zoom will be sent after registration.


Career Support & Advancement: Early Career Programs, Workshops