Faculty and Staff are invited to join "The Mindful College Classroom" Learning Community

Calling all faculty and staff - join a new Learning Community focused on the "Mindful College Classroom". Are you interested in learning more about Mindfulness in all its forms and its relevance to the college classroom? All interested faculty and staff are invited to join "The Mindful College Classroom" Learning Community.  

Description: A group of faculty and staff interested in mindfulness and well-being to improve student learning at the university level

Meeting: Meet monthly beginning fall 2016 through 2017- 2018 academic year in both face-to-face and virtual spaces


  • Pedagogy of mindfulness
  • Techniques to use in the classroom
  • Strategies/materials to support individual growth


  • Speakers/practitioners to come to campus to educate our faculty
  • Attend conferences/retreats

Possible Deliverables:

  • Share techniques that work well for our classrooms
  • Introduce mindful classroom concepts across campus
  • Publish article about findings

If you are interested, please email Lillian Nave Goudas at goudasln@appstate.edu. The first meetings will be scheduled at the convenience of the participants.

Mindfulness image
Published: Aug 29, 2016 9:44am
